With hurricane season becoming increasingly more extreme every year, scheduling a roof inspection is mandatory. Feel more prepared and secure for the next devastating natural disaster. Strengthening your property's and assets chances of making it through the storm. We pride ourselves in volunteering for our community in their time if need. Picking up, delivering and positioning sand bags to protect your home in case of a flood. We have provided a few tips to make it through a hurricane.
Prepare 2 weather proof boxes. This ensures your supplies stays in tact.
First box should have enough nonparishable food to last a few days, incase of power outages.
Second box should have flashlights and batteries, candles and matches, first aid kit.
Try to fill up at least a 5 gallon gas can with fuel.
Stock up on cases of water.
Find enough Plywood to secure all exterior windows.
Find your local sand bag fill up, and fill enough bags to cover every opening. You can also call the fire department and they will fill them and bring them to your location.
Put all if your family's important documents and identification cards in a file.
Clear yard of any loose decorations or toys. Tie down any lawn furniture that cannot fit inside.
Fill up your bath tubs with clean water.
Charge all of your phones, laptops and tablets.
If it's greater than a cat 4, secure your belongings and evacuate, if possible.